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World at War Issue #80 (Hannut: France 1940)

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World at War Issue #80 (Hannut: France 1940): Essentials:

  • No. of players: --
  • Playing time: -- minutes
  • Age: --+

World at War Issue #80 (Hannut: France 1940): - Rules of Play says:

Hannut: France 1940 is a two player operational level simulation of the battle fought during the Battle of Belgium that took place between 12 and 14 May 1940 at Hannut in Belgium. The primary purpose of the Germans was to tie down the strongest elements of the French 1st Army and keep it away from the main German attack by Army Group A through the Ardennes. The delay was to entice the Allies into believing the main thrust would come through Belgium and then down into France.

The ensuing battle was the largest clash of tanks in armored warfare history at the time. Hannut uses a simplified version of the Grand Operational Simulation Series (GOSS) rules that depict WWII combat at the battalion level. Each hex on the map is one mile. Units are battalions and companies. Each AM and PM game turn (GT) represents about one-half of available daylight hours. Night GTs extend through the hours of darkness.

Components: 22x34 inch map, 280 die-cut counters.