The One Ring RPG: Moria - Through the Doors of Durin: Essentials:
- No. of players: --
- Playing time: -- minutes
- Age: --+
The One Ring RPG: Moria - Through the Doors of Durin: - Rules of Play says:
Moria – Through the Doors of Durin for The One Ring roleplaying game and Moria – Shadow of Khazad-dûm for Lord of the Rings Roleplaying for 5E contain all you’ll need to take your players deep into the Dwarrowdelf.
And At The Gates, The Trumpets Rang: Rivals, allies and patrons in the quest for Moria, as well as a history of the Dwarven city from its founding to its fall.
Journeys in the Dark: Journey rules adjusted for underground exploration, Moria-specific Undertakings, and advice on running games and campaigns set in the city.
Fell Foes lists the Orcs and other enemies that may be found in the city – and rules for risking an encounter with Durin’s Bane.
The Mansions of the Dwarves is the largest part of the book, describing Landmarks and hazards in the various regions of Moria.
Moria – Through the Doors of Durin describes the city of the Dwarves and the surrounding lands as they were in the last years of the Third Age. For each region of Moria, we describe Landmarks, factions and non-player characters that the Loremaster can use as desired.
There is no ‘true’ Moria — in one game, maybe the great quest of the heroes is to loot the fabled Treasure Vault of Uruktharbun. In another, the treasure vault might have lain broken and empty for a thousand years; in another, it never existed at all. Moria is to be explored cautiously; even the Wise cannot trust their memories in this place.