Space Worm Level 5 & 6 Exp: Essentials:
- No. of players: 2-6
- Playing time: -- minutes
- Age: --+
Space Worm Level 5 & 6 Exp: - Rules of Play says:
In the roll-and-write, route-building game Space Worm, 2-6 players navigate the fruity void of space with their leviathan cosmic serpents, eating planets whole and collecting space fruit along the way.
To set up Space Worm, each player rolls two dice and starts their worm on the planet matching the sum rolled. Each round, a player rolls the eight colored dice, then players draft one die in turn; you extend the length of your worm by drawing a vertical or horizontal line from your worm's current location that matches the length of the die rolled. Since you are a mindless space worm, you can't cross over your path or else you'll eat your own tail! If you can't move, you cross off one of your hearts.