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Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Lustria

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SKU CB72477

Lustria: Essentials:

  • No. of players: --
  • Playing time: -- minutes
  • Age: --+

Lustria: - Rules of Play says:

Far from the shores of the Old World, across the Great Ocean, is the mysterious continent of Lustria. Tales tell of troves of golden treasure and repositories of arcane lore ready for the taking by those bold enough to risk it. Each week it seems that another ship full of hopeful adventurers departs to this new world on a voyage of exploration.

But those who make landfall on the shores of Lustria find themselves in an environment that is wholly inimical to warm-blooded life. The jungles seethe with venomous snakes, carnivorous lizards, poisonous flora, and deadly disease. The few precarious settlements that cling to the coast arouse the ire of Lustria’s oldest inhabitants, the Lizardmen, who sally forth from their temple-cities to destroy all who encroach on their territory.