Dungeon Degenerates: Creepy Cults of the Lowlands Degenerates Dictionary
Dungeon Degenerates: Creepy Cults of the Lowlands Degenerates Dictionary: Essentials:
- No. of players: --
- Playing time: -- minutes
- Age: --+
Dungeon Degenerates: Creepy Cults of the Lowlands Degenerates Dictionary: - Rules of Play says:
Creepy Cults of the Lowlands explores the vulgar behaviours and hovels of the villagers of the lachrymose Lowlands. This is a morbid realm where bone dust covers everything and the dead are not allowed to sleep! The weird energies are being spread by the peasants messing with the messiest of mysteries! Creepy Cults of the Lowalands is full colour, lavishly illustrated with lurid descriptions of the creatures and cretins of the Wurstreich.