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Cat-a-comb [ 10% Pre-order discount ]


Cat-a-comb: Essentials:

  • No. of players: 2
  • Playing time: 15 minutes
  • Age: 14+

Cat-a-comb: - Rules of Play says:

Your goal in Cat-a-comb is to get your cats stacked in all the right places. To set up, each player takes all six cat cubes of one color (black or white). Place the nine tiles — three each of brown, white, and black — into a 3x3 grid, then choose a player to play the three neutral brown cubes on a tile of each color. The other player then takes the first turn.

You can never place two cats of the same color directly on top of one another, and your turn cannot end with a stack taller than three. You win at the end of your turn if (1) you have a cat on the top of the stacks of all the tiles of one color or (2) you have a cat on top of three stacks that are each three cats high.