Arkham Horror LCG: Stella Clark Investigator Starter Deck
Arkham Horror LCG: Stella Clark Investigator Starter Deck - Rules of Play says:
Stella Clark is well accustomed to failure, but she’s also well accustomed to pushing past it. As Stella, if you fail a skill test, you gain an additional action that you can take during your turn this round, giving you just one more opportunity to prove people wrong and push onward.
Each Investigator Starter Deck includes a fully pre-built and ready-to-play 34-card investigator deck, as well as 26 additional cards that can be used to upgrade your deck as you play through a campaign. Perhaps you’re entirely new to Arkham Horror: The Card Game—if your friend has a collection of Arkham Horror: The Card Game, no longer do you need to buy your own Core Set or deluxe expansion to join in a campaign. You can simply pick out your favorite Investigator Starter Deck and start playing immediately.