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Paranoia: Extinction-Class Incident Responses [ Pre-order ]

SKU MGP50019

Paranoia: Extinction-Class Incident Responses: Essentials:

  • No. of players: --
  • Playing time: -- minutes
  • Age: --+

Paranoia: Extinction-Class Incident Responses: - Rules of Play says:

People who are not Infrared clearance know that R&D experiments can go pear-shaped at any time. That is tolerable for two reasons: Important citizens live outside of the blast zone and sometimes R&D makes important discoveries through failure. But there are times when an R&D experiment goes less pear-shaped and more mushroom-cloud-shaped.

These are classified as extinction-class events because, to put it so a Troubleshooter can understand, they can literally destroy all of Alpha Complex, its citizens and maybe even Friend Computer! (Or to put it so an Infrared drone can understand, bad thing make stuff go bye bye.) At least so far, these events have been prevented thanks to the hard work and casual attitude towards casualties from service groups. This is the Extinction-class Incident Response Book. Inside, Paranoia GMs will find 15 different experiments that almost ended all that we know, love, hate, like, like-like and pretty much everything. These include: Ice-10 Water Product: Finally, water stops treasonously mutating into different forms and comes in an easy-to-store format. Just do not drink it. Seriously, don’t. Mobius Temporal Loop Recruiter: Are you close to missing that deadline? Recruit versions of you from other timelines as temps! What could possibly go wrong with that? Nutritive Anti-Malware Update 2.3m7: This helps lower-clearance citizens eat what they would normally never eat to reduce food waste. Too bad food is no longer a thing. Firekelp: Instead of mining for fissile materials to use in nuclear power plants, why not grow it? Because it tastes lousy, that’s why.