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TopCap [ 10% Pre-order discount ]


TopCap: Essentials:

  • No. of players: 2
  • Playing time: -- minutes
  • Age: --+

TopCap: - Rules of Play says:

In Top Cap, each player starts with four bottle caps in their color on a 6x6 grid; the corner of the grid closest to them depicts a bottle in the matching color. On a turn, choose one of your bottle caps, count the number of bottle caps of either color that are on adjacent spaces (whether orthogonal or diagonal), then move that bottle cap exactly that many spaces in a straight line either diagonally or orthogonally. You cannot leave the board, jump or land on a bottle cap, or land on your bottle. If you move one of your bottle caps onto the opponent's bottle, you win. If you cannot legally move one of your bottle caps on your turn, you lose.