MTG: The Brothers War Draft Booster Box
MTG: The Brothers War Draft Booster Box: Essentials:
- No. of players: --
- Playing time: -- minutes
- Age: --+
MTG: The Brothers War Draft Booster Box: - Rules of Play says:
Each The Brothers’ War Draft Booster Box contains 36 The Brothers’ War Draft Boosters. Each Draft Booster contains 15 cards and 1 token/ad card, including 1 card of rarity Rare or higher, 1 card of rarity Uncommon or higher, 3 Uncommon cards, and 10 Common cards. Traditional Foil Borderless Mythic Planeswalker appear in less than 1% of boosters. A land card replaces a Common in 25% of boosters. A traditional Foil of any rarity replaces a Common in 33% of boosters.