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Planet 006 Kaelyfos: Unsettled

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Planet 006 Kaelyfos: Unsettled: Essentials:

  • No. of players: 2-4
  • Playing time: 60-90 minutes
  • Age: 14+

Planet 006 Kaelyfos: Unsettled: - Rules of Play says:

Delve into the drifting, planet-sized head of an ancient being and attempt to access its lost memories for clues that could lead you home.

The universe has provided this stately destination: the massive severed head of an ancient celestial being, floating with a comfortingly lifeless calm through the dark recesses of existence.

Initial scans also indicate the abundant presence of parasitic blood-hungry lifeforms; almost certainly willing--likely with great, even aggressive, enthusiasm--to provide us a robust exercise regiment and full lineup of group activities such as desperately fleeing for our lives, screaming in abject terror, and fighting to the death. This, truly, will be one to write home about.