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SKU USOPA84000240006

DaDaDa: Essentials:

  • No. of players: 2-99
  • Playing time: 15-30 minutes
  • Age: 8+

DaDaDa: - Rules of Play says:

To start playing DaDaDa, turn over a sound card, e.g. "PU", then an image card, then assign this image to the sound and say its name: "PU!" The next player then reveals an image, and if they agree that "PU" is a suitable name for the depicted object, they slide it next to "PU" and say "PU!"; otherwise, they flip a new sound card and place the image there: "PEH!"

Repeat this for some number of sounds and images, then lay out other images without designating a sound for them. The active player then secretly chooses one of the images and names it using only the sounds of your new language: "PU-PEH-PEH!" Can others figure out which image you mean?