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This Week's New Releases

This Week's New Releases

Joking Hazard

3 - 10 | 30 - 90 minutes | £30

From the creators of Cyanide & Happiness comes a card game where players compete to finish an awful comic strip.

The creators said:
"Someone on the Internet once told us that making stick figure comics is easy as hell, and that we were ugly and stupid.

They were right on all counts. So, after crying for a few hours, we created the Random Comic Generator which since its inception in 2014 has entertained millions with its computer-generated comedy.compete against your friends to finish a comic with a funny punchline.The game includes a deck of 250 unique panel cards - that’s 15.4 million combinations of comics!

Catch The Moon

2 - 6 | 20 minutes | £22

All you need in Catch The Moon are a few skillfully placed ladders, a good sense of balance, and a touch of imagination. The moon waits impatiently for your arrival, but she's a sensitive lady and the smallest mistake can make her cry. The right mix of skill and luck will help you become the most agile dreamer...


Ticket to Ride: Germany

2 - 5  | 30 - 60 minutes | £39

Ticket to Ride: Germany (originally Zug um Zug: Deutschland) is a stand-alone game in the Ticket to Ride series. Over the course of the game, players collect cards in order to then claim routes on the game board between two cities. Ideally the players create a network of routes that connect the cities showing on their secret ticket cards. Players score points both for claiming routes and for completing tickets, with incomplete tickets counting against a player's score. Whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins.


Evolution : The Beginning

2 - 5  | 30 - 40 minutes | £25

In Evolution: The Beginning, you'll adapt your species to succeed in a dynamic ecosystem where food is scarce and predators roam. Traits like Flight and Horns will protect your species from Carnivores while a Long Neck will help them get food that others cannot reach. With hundreds of ways to evolve your species, every game unfolds in a beautifully unique way.
It is the most casual and quick playing adaptation of the Evolution concept, but it is highly strategic as a two-player game.


The Godfather: Corelone's Empire

2 - 5  | 60 - 90 minutes | £80

In short, the game is a streamlined, confrontational worker placement game filled with murder and intrigue. In long, you play as competing mafia families who are vying for economic control of the organized crime networks of New York City, deploying your thugs, your don, your wife, and your heir on the board to shake down businesses and engage in area-control turf wars.


Roll Player

1 - 4  | 60 minutes | £56

Mighty heroes don’t just appear out of thin air -- you must create them! Race, class, alignment, skills, traits, and equipment are all elements of the perfect hero, who is ready to take on all opposition in the quest for glory and riches.

In Roll Player, you will compete to create the greatest fantasy adventurer who has ever lived, preparing your character to embark on an epic quest.

Previous article Check out these Pre-orders: Kiri-AI, Imperial Miners, Return to Dark Tower, and more!

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