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This week's new releases

This week's new releases

Brand new games coming next week



1 - 4 players | 30 - 45 minutes | £40

Calico is a puzzly tile-laying game of quilts and cats. In Calico, players compete to sew the coziest quilt as they collect and place patches of different colors and patterns. Each quilt has a particular pattern that must be followed, and players are also trying to create color and pattern combinations that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also able to attract the cuddliest cats!



2 - 4 players | 40 minutes | £32

Restore the greatness of the Kitara Empire, enlarging your territories through savannahs and antic ruins! Kitara is a strategy game that mixes conquest, movement, and battle. Manage your cards to plan your actions: the more territories you control, the more options you get! Strengthen your army of hunters, cheetah-centaurs, and heroes! Protect livestock and crops, move your troops, and go to war. Kitara is a dynamic strategy game, full of tension and suspense.

cloud city

Cloud City

2 - 4 players | 30 - 60 minutes | £25

In Cloud City, you compete against other architects to create the best city planning project to be chosen by the city council. Have your project chosen and built for the people of Cloud City to enjoy! Develop your city with buildings and build walkways to connect buildings to one another. The architect with the city plan that features the most and the longest walkways will win the game!



2 - 4 players | 90 minutes | £43

Explore Paris in the 19th century. Discover its renowned architecture and obtain the most eminent buildings in the right districts to achieve victory. Paris is a typical medium-weight Kramer and Kiesling Eurostyle-game with straightforward gameplay, short player turns, and an ingenious point salad mechanism.



1 - 4 players | 30 - 60 minutes | £40

The election of the Aztec High Priest is imminent. In order to prove their value and merit, the contenders engage in a race for prestige to win the favor of the gods. Will you be able to make the most beautiful sculptures of feathered snakes (called Cóatl) to stand out and gain access to the coveted title of High Priest?

Other brand new games coming next week

Board Games:





Previous article Next week's new releases, available from Monday 21st August!

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