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This week's brand new releases!

This week's brand new releases!

Brand new board games! Get yer brand new board games here! This week we have gangs of adventurers, stupid friends and Star Wars! Check out our full collection of new releases!

This week's brand new releases are...


Guildhall Fantasy: Fellowship

It's time for a party! Not with balloons and cake but with adventure, danger and treasure! In Guildhall Fantasy: Fellowship players compete to make the strongest party by recruiting adventurers into their guildhall chapters. Collect sets of cards with unique abilities to control the table and complete a full chapter to claim victory cards. You can play it fast and loose, choose the long game or even poach members from your opponents gang.




Drunk, Stoned or Stupid

Drunk, Stoned or Stupid is a brilliant little party game that's super simple to learn and is an excellent accompaniment to drinks with friends. Players read out traits from cards and have to assign them to other players in the group! Did we mention they are somewhat questionable traits? With multiple sets of rules to enable all groups to play; from close-knit 'friends since forever' to absolute strangers.

Star Wars X-Wing: Imperial Veterans

Star Wars X-Wing is a  beautifully detailed miniatures game where players face-off in a dramatic starfighter battle set in the Star Wars universe. Now you can maximize the firepower of your Tie bombers and Tie defenders with the Imperial Veterans Expansion, which contains Two new Tie miniatures with alternate paint schemes, eight veteran pilots and thirteen upgrades!

More new games in stock:

Check out our new releases collection for the full list, and don't forget to check us out on TwitterFacebook and Instagram!

Pre-order games available soon:


Push It

Push It is a tense game of skill that can be played anywhere. To win, push, flick or judo-chop your pucks so they are closest to the central jack at the end of the round. Sound simple? Well, it is! Find any smooth surface (tables are ideal, and luckily most people have them), whip out your Push It bag, and play with whoever is up to the challenge.

The game is quick to learn but hard to master. Come up against a Push It maestro and you’ll soon be put in your place (Warning: friendships can suffer as direct result of Push It).

View all our pre-order games

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