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Friday Rules - 25.07.2014


whats he building in there

Game of the Week - What's He Building In There? Its time to grab your lab coat, goggles and backcomb your hair, as What's He Building In There? is a brilliant new game that lets 2-6 players take on the role of mad scientists.With brilliant artwork and a clever use of worker placement mechanics, you'll be racing to build your own doomsday machine while also making sure you have an ingenious escape method to prevent being caught by the meddlesome police. What's He Building In There manages to cleverly combine strategic depth with a great theme, and is well worth investigating. For more information, check out the video review from Tom Vasel and this great review from Club Fantasci.


talisman woodland

Its In The Trees, Its Coming... Fantasy Flight knows you can't have too much adventure, which is why there's rarely any grumbling when they announce a new big box expansion for the classic Talisman. Hitting the shelves later this year is The Woodland, which introduces new characters, endings and a whole new corner board. While this will definitely be coming home with some us, we are starting to have to look at bigger tables for gaming for Talisman with all the expansions!


dice shame from ninnymatic

Sometimes, You Just Have To Teach Them A Lesson. Its happened to most of us at some stage or another. You spend hours building up a perfect straetgic advantage in a game, only to have it all brought crashing down due to some spectacularly inept dice-rolling. While most of us fume for a few minutes and then forget about it, others have taken to naming and shaming their dice guilty of ruinous rolls, and publicly posting the resulting photos! Childish? Maybe. Well-deserved? Certainly. The photo used to accompany this piece was produced by the wonderfully talented Ninnymatic on Tumblr.


ty hafan

Family Games Day This Sunday! We'll be hosting another Family Games Day this Sunday from noon! Bring along the whole family to try out some fantastic games suitable for children of all ages! In addition to some fantastic games, we'll be raising money for the wonderful Ty Hafan.


camelot the build

Gaming at The Gate, with Special Guest Wotan Games. We're back at The Gate Arts on this coming Monday for our regular dose of gaming fun. In addition to the usual selection of boardgame marvels for you to delve into, we're very excited to have Wotan Games joining us to demo some of their games including the brilliant Camelot: The Build. See you there!


Releases/Restocks/Coming Soon!


New in store from next week - Awesome fantasy co-op adventure in Myth; deck-building set in the world of A Touch of Evil with Dark Gothic; while Villains may be hogging the shelf space this week, it'll be forced to make some space for everyone's favourite webslinger when the latest Paint the Town Red expansion arrives next week! Also new in next week are mad scientist worker placement in Game of the Week, What's He Building In There?; new Wave 6 ships for Star Trek Attack Wing; take on the role of the mightiest super heroes in The Justice League Strategy Game; Upstalk, the latest data pack for Netrunner, and Thunder Alley, the new fantastic-looking NASCAR racing game from GMT.


legendary villains

New Releases Available Now -Unleash your dark side in the new standalone expansion for Marvel Legendary, Villains; with some clever twists and turns, Love Letter heads into the unknown with Lost Legacy: The Starship; become the master tea baron in the crafty Euro strategy game Yunnan; Qwixx, the brilliant and clever little dice game; Mount Everest the latest climbing adventure from the designer of the much-loved K2; bluff your way to victory in Skull (the new version of Skull & Roses which manages to be even prettier than the original); Hills & Sheep, the brand new expansion for Carcassonne, and Galactic Strike Force, the brilliant (but very hard) new co-op from the creators of the super Sentinels of the Multiverse.


New Releases Available to Order From Today - Quarriors: Light & Dark; End of Empire 1744-1782, and new packs for Game of Thrones, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings LCGs!


Arriving soon -  After a very, very long absence, we have word that the 2nd edition of party classic Ca$h 'n Guns will be released later this year; the new game for 6-25 (!!!) players, The Last Banquet; expansions for budding starship captains with Space Cadets: Resistance is Mostly FutileSpace Cadets Dice Duel: Die Fighter, and a brand-new Space Cadets game, Away Missions; Warhammer Conquest, the new card game based in the 40K universe; Civilizations, the first expansion for Clash of Cultures; dark fantasy adventure based on the massively popular series of novels and computer games in The Witcher; new ships for Star Wars: X-WingSeafall Legacy, from the designer of the brilliant Risk Legacy, and the return of the classic ProphecyPRE-ORDERS FOR ALL THESE BEING TAKEN NOW!



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