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Unhappy King Charles [ 10% Pre-order discount ]

by Phalanx

Unhappy King Charles: Essentials:

  • No. of players: 1-2
  • Playing time: 240 minutes
  • Age: 14+

Unhappy King Charles: - Rules of Play says:

The year is 1642 and England is torn apart by a civil war between King Charles I and his supporters, the Royalists, and the Parliamentarians. In Unhappy King Charles, a two-player card-driven game, you must choose your side and fight for the control of England’s regions and economic centres. You will use cards to play historic events, recruit troops, influence politics, raid enemies, and activate your generals – including King Charles and Oliver Cromwell – to move, battle and siege fortresses on the map.

Unhappy King Charles is a Strategic level Card-Driven board-wargame highly acclaimed for the way in which it captures the unique aspects of the English Civil War: the high rate of desertions, the difficulties of controlling regional troops, and the growing strength of the Parliament forces over the course of the conflict.